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Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Seven Mile Water Tower & Vault Modifications
Northville, Mi

Cost: $6,950,420.00
Engineer: OHM Advisors 
Completion Date: September, 2024

Reliance Building Company performed this ground up build on Northville Twp's Legacy Park water tower. The build consisted of new underground influent and effluent pipes, a concrete foundation, and the new tower itself. The tower is meant to fill during non-peak hours and cut down on taxpayer costs. 


Aspen Meadow's Wellhouse Improvements
White Lake, Mi

Cost: $5,055,900.00
Engineer: DLZ  
Completion Date: January, 2024

Reliance Building Company performed its third wellhouse build with White Lake Twp with the completion of the Aspen Meadow's Wellhouse. The completed iron filtration system has drastically reduced the amount of iron in the city's water supply with the addition of vertical pressure filters, air scour blowers, a post filtration disinfection chemical system, a phosphate chemical system, new instrumentation, SCADA system expansion, a backwash holding tank, and a force main with connection to the existing sanitary sewer. 


Treatment Tank Improvements-Phase II
Walled Lake, Mi

Cost: $1,789,000.00
Engineer: Fishbeck  
Completion Date: October, 2023

Reliance Building Company continued work on the Walled Lake-Novi WWTP with the second phase of the clarifier renovations. The work consisted of the demolition and replacement of existing clarifier mechanisms, arms, and skimming equipment, along with the concrete floor replacement and metal wall repairs. Protective coatings were then applied to help extend the clarifiers' life cycle.


Northfield Twp WWTP Wet Weather Storage Tank
Whitmore Lake, MI

Cost: $3,168,000.00
Engineer: Tetra Tech 
Completion Date: December, 2022

The Improvements to the Northfield Township WWTP consisted of the replacement of raw sewage pumps, electrical work at the 8-Mile pump station,
construction of a 1.5 MG wet weather storage tank, the construction of a valve and meter vault, a
PEW pumping system, associated electrical and instrumentation work, yard piping, and associated site improvements. 

WWTP Trickling Filter Improvements
Rockwood, MI

Cost: $615,000.00
Engineer: C.E. Raines Company 
Completion Date: September, 2022

Reliance Building Company continued the modernization of the Rockwood WWTP by performing a complete overhaul of the city's existing WWTP trickling filters. The renovation consisted of new interior and exterior coatings, new PVC trickling filter media, new catwalk supports & access ladders, and new galvanized steel distributer arms and supports. 

Rockwood EQ

WWTP Equalization Tank No. 2
Rockwood, MI

Cost: $890,000.00
Engineer: C.E. Raines Company 
Completion Date: February, 2022

Reliance Building Company partnered with DLZ in the design and build out of the City of Rockwood's second equalization tank. The project consisted of the installation of new influent and effluent pipes, earthwork, concrete foundations & slabs, and the build up of the tank and it's associated components. The 70' diameter tank will provide valuable storage for the wastewater treatment plant in case of a high-flow event.


Pump Station & Screening Building
Pinckney, Mi

Cost: $2,212,000.00
Engineer: Wolverine Engineering  
Completion Date: November, 2021

Reliance Building Company constructed a new 20' x 26' concrete block pump station, as well as a new 24' x 32' concrete block screening building as a part of the upgrades to Village of Pinckney's Wastewater System. The pump station received a new 30' wet well, 8' in diameter,  as well as new underground sewer forcemain.

Walled Lake-Novi East/West Clarifiers
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Walled Lake - Novi WWTP East & West Clarifier Renovations
Novi, Mi

Cost: $1,427,500.00
Engineer: Fishbeck 
Completion Date: June, 2021

Reliance Building Company performed an overhaul on two clarifiers that are part of the Oakland County Water system. The job entailed the demolition and replacement of existing clarifier mechanisms and skimming equipment, along with the necessary concrete and metal repairs. Additionally, RBC also installed protective coatings to help extend the clarifiers' life cycle.

Water Quality Monitoring Panels

Water Quality Monitoring Panels 

Flint, Mi

Cost: $374,400
Design Build Partnership: HESCO/DLZ 
Completion Date: April, 2021

Reliance Building Company is proud to have assisted in the effort to modernize the City of Flint Water System with the Installation of five water quality monitoring panels in various pump and booster stations throughout the City of Flint. These panels are designed to detect various contaminants that could appear in a water system, and are ultimately aimed at providing clean and safe water to the residents of Flint. 


Oak Valley Booster Station Improvements

Pittsfield, MI

Cost: $253,050
Architect/Engineer: Stantec Consulting, MI
Completion Date: January, 2021

The Improvements to the Oak Valley Booster Station consisted of exterior grading and site work, exterior architectural repairs, and interior and exterior painting. The station received a new asphalt shingle roof, as well as new vinyl siding, doors, and a concrete driveway. 

Oak Valley Booster Station
Hillview Wellhouse Improvements

Hillview Wellhouse Improvements

White Lake, MI

Cost: $747,655.00
Architect/Engineer: Johnson and Anderson (DLZ)
Completion Date: September, 2020

The Improvements to the Hillview Wellhouse consisted the demolition and removal of the dilapidated existing structure and finished with the construction of a new 1,150 square foot Wellhouse containing Variable Frequency Drives for the pumps, new magnetic flow meters, new pressure transducers, new controls, new electrical, and SCADA improvements. 


Barry's Let's Rent It 

Novi, MI

Cost: $245,000
Architect/Engineer: Lindhout Associates
Completion Date: July, 2020

The renovation of Barry's Let's Rent It new company headquarters consisted of a complete overhaul of the existing showroom and warehouse, ultimately modernizing the showroom, and fitting the warehouse to meet the needs of the new owners. 

Barry's Let's Rent It

Morgan Road Booster Station

Pittsfield, MI

Cost: $363,000
Architect/Engineer: Stantec Consulting, MI
Completion Date: November, 2019

This project consisted of the rehabilitation and improvement of an existing water booster station. The building underwent salvage and demolition in which unused pumps and transformers were removed and later received upgraded electrical, mechanical, and cosmetic improvements ranging from energy efficient electrical transformers to a fresh coat of paint.  

Morgan Road
Independence TWP

Oxidation Ditch Renovation

Carleton, MI

Cost: $208,000
Architect/Engineer: Fleis & Vandenbrink

Completion Date: July, 2019

This project consisted of concrete wall replacement at the oxidation ditches, concrete crack repair, application of concrete surface coatings, and all other related work. 

Carleton Oxidaion Ditch

Independence Township DPW Building

Clarkston, MI

Cost: $1,767,000
Architect/Engineer: Hubbell Roth & Clark
Completion Date: October, 2019

The project consisted of a new building addition, approximately 7,200 square feet which includes new bays for vehicles, bollards, pulverizing existing parking areas, new pavement and supplemental base course, sidewalks, curbs, underground storm sewers with connections, signage and landscaping. Removal work included pavement removal, base repairs, site clearing, earth excavation, and miscellaneous items of work necessary to parking lot improvements. 

Waterford Hess Anchor

Hess-Hathaway & Ridgetop

Water Treatment Facilities

Waterford, MI

Cost: $6,208,000
Architect/Engineer: Johnson and Anderson (DLZ)
Completion Date: July, 2009

This water treatment project is one of our proudest accomplishments at Reliance Building Company. This project consisted of the new construction of a water treatment plant that resembled a barn so as to blend in a park, as well as the addition of a primary water filter to another water treatment plant in the system. These improvements included a pressure filter, laboratory space, and a blower room. Due to Relaince's effective execution of the project, we jointly received the 2010 engineering excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies along with DLZ/Johnson & Anderson.

Macomb County

Macomb County Biofilter

Fraser, MI

Cost:  $1,840,000

Architect/Engineer: Giffels Webster

Completion Date: 2015

This project included construction of an underground concrete vault for a 20,000 CFM fan and three media filter beds. The fan is designed to pull air from the adjacent sanitary sewer system and filter it through the filter beds to reduce corrosion of the downstream system by hydro sulfuric acid.

Village Acres Iron Removal Plant

White Lake, MI

Cost:  $2,465,000

Engineer: Johnson and Anderson (DLZ)

Completion Date: June, 2016

This project consisted of the demolition and reconstruction of an existing well house for two new horizontal iron removal filters capable of filtering up to 2 million gallons of water per day.  Additional equipment included chlorine and chemical feed equipment, process air blowers, and compressors.  The building also housed a lab with sampling equipment.  Exterior improvements included a new underground backwash retention basin and pipe connections to the distribution system. 

White Lake WTP

Walled Lake - Novi WWTP

Retention Basin

Novi, MI

Cost: $1,400,000 

Architect/Engineer: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber

Completion Date: May, 2016

This project consisted of constructing a 500,000 gallon cast-in-place concrete retention basin including level measurement instrumentation and site piping.  The installation of a 2,500 gallon hydro-pneumatic tank and associated process piping and instrumentation was also included.

Walled Lake - Novi WWTP

Water Treatment Plant

East China, MI

Cost: $4,900,000 
Architect/Engineer: Wade-Trim/Associates
Completion Date: August, 2001 

For the Charter Townships of East China and China, Reliance Building Company constructed a state-of-the-art membrane micro-filtration water treatment plant, the first plant to use the Zenon system in the Midwest. The new Zenon system was constructed to replace the 1950's era Sand filtration system and address long-standing problems with East China's source water, allowing them to meet current and future drinking water requirements.  The new 2.7 million gallon per day Zenon system includes a 500,000-gallon water tank, a new water intake structure and various water distribution improvements. Construction was completed  in July of 2001 and the plant was immediately brought online. This project was awarded the 2003 ACEC-MI/MSPE Engineering Excellence Merit Award and the 2004 APWA-MI Project of the Year Award, Environment $2 to $10 Million.

East China WTP

West Bloomfield DPW Building

West Bloomfield, MI

Cost: $2,120,000

Architect/Engineer: Johnson & Anderson (DLZ)

Completion Date: 2017

This project included the construction of a new four bay storage garage, new fuel island and canopy, energy efficient interior and exterior lighting and façade improvements to the existing building.  Site improvements included permeable pavement, concrete paving and biological swales utilizing native vegetation for stormwater retention.

West Bloomfied DPW

Water Storage Tank

Harrison Township, MI

Cost: $1,379,000
Architect/Engineer: Johnson & Anderson (DLZ)
Completion Date: August, 2012

Reliance Building Company partnered with Johnson & Anderson to design and build a 750,000 gallon water storage tank and pump station system for the Charter Township of Harrison. The system will allow the township to pump and store water purchased from DWSD during non-peak hours for later use during periods of high flow.

Harrison Township Water Storag

Water Treatment Plants

Grand Blanc, MI

Cost: $3,600,000 
Architect/Engineer: Tetra Tech MPS 
Completion Date: September, 2004

This project consisted of the construction of additions at two existing water treatment plants on two separate well sites along with the installation of a membrane treatment system. This system included five, 300 gallons per minute low energy (LE) reverse osmosis (RO) membrane packages, and two clean-in-place systems. Various electrical upgrades were made for the additions one of which being the installation of diesel generators.

Grand Blanc Water Treatment Plans
Richmod Waste Water Treatmet Plant

Wet Weather Storage Facility

Richmond, MI

Cost: $1,590,000
Architect/Engineer: Tetra Tech
Completion Date: January, 2008

This project consisted of the installation of a 1.3 million gallon storage tank with foundation, a 7.5 million-gallon per day pump station, and associated electrical, instrumentation and site work.

Water Treatment Plant

Chelsea, MI

Cost: $4,600,000
Architect/Engineer: Tetra Tech MPS
Completion Date: June, 2002

A new 0.85 million gallon per day Water Treatment Plant was built for Chelsea with the associated site work, utilities and a water production well. This plant is based on the Tonka WT System utilizing a combination of gravity filters and Osmonics RO process.

Chelsea Water Treatment Plant
Kensington Metropark

Kensington Metropark WWTP

Milford, MI

Cost: $2,204,000
Architect/Engineer: Stantec Consulting
Completion Date: November, 2013

Kensington's aging wastewater treatment plant could no longer service the park. As a result, this project involved directionally drilling two miles of new HDPE forcemain to connect the park's sanitary with Milford, replacing two-thousand feet of forcemain under Kent Lake and upgrading two existing pump stations. Finally, the existing wastewater treatment plant was decommissioned and demolished.

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Phone: 248-374-3210
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